At the Home Electronics World `99 in Cologne the 'The Best of Airsoft Softwair' CD-ROM will be released. This CD-ROM is a collection of nearly all programs, which have ever been released by the usergroup Airsoft Softwair. All Shareware releases by Airsoft Softwair are as full versions on the CD-ROM of course. Many of the programs have been reworked and are available in brand new versions on the CD-ROM now.

The following exclusive full versions are on the 'The Best of Airsoft Softwair' CD-ROM:

- CD32 Games Install Kit v3.1NG
- Da Cool Installer
- NewInstaller
- Rainboot Pro
- Rainboot Configuration Creator (RCC)

Additionally there are many, partially not released, programs on the CD-ROM, as for example:

- all Rainboot configurations (actually over 80!)
- AHelp
- Cheater and Trainer for many games (over 30!)
- complete Soundtrack of the game 'The 3 Islands'
- complete mirror of the Airsoft Softwair Homepage including all binaries
- complete mirror of the CBM Fan Page including all binaries
- Da Cool Booter
- Da Cool Patcher
- Da Cool Quiz
- Developersection with alot of sourcecodes and documentations
- File2Disk
- Flip Da Scrip
- HD Installer for many games
- Historysection with the legendary 'version 1.0' of many programs
- Icons for many applications and games
- LaunchHTML
- Modules
- Needin' Speed
- PianoPlayer
- Pictures
- PlayMOD
- RandomStartup
- Sounds
- The 3 Islands Giga Preview (over 130MB!) with videos and more
- The 3 Islands playable Preview
- XTreme Mod

and alot more!

The CD32 Games Install Kit v3.1 Next Generation is the result of a nearly complete rewrite of the famous CD32 Games Install Kit, which installs CD32 games to harddisk and patches them to run from there. Actually over 170 CD32 games are directly supported. Many of them do even run on Amigas without the AGA chipset. This version has alot of new features like for example an integrated CD32 emulator, a complete new and much more stable bootsystem (Install2001NG) and additionally there`s now the possibility to install even non predefined CD32 games. So it`s possible to install nearly every CD32 game to harddisk (!!).

The well known Da Cool Installer is also available in a new, many times reworked version on the CD-ROM. Da Cool Installer allows the user to install all sort of games to his harddisk. The advantage of Da Cool Installer is, that it uses a general method of installing the games. So it`s possible to install nearly every game without problems. Da Cool Installer supports a trackdisk.device emulation, games with more than one disk, Degrade2ECS support, installation of crunched DMS disks and many more.

NewInstaller is the ultimate multimedia addon for the old Commodore Installer. With NewInstaller it`s now possible to add graphics, sounds and other multimedia elements to an installation. Even Online Registrations can be maintained by NewInstaller. Other features are for example the possibility to visit homepages, creating UnInstall scripts and much more. Additionally it`s possible to make NewInstaller create scripts for the Commodore Installer automatically. NewInstaller only needs to know the path of the program to be installed and it will generate the script according to the program automatically. NewInstaller is a must-have for all Amiga owners!

The ultimate multimedia boot, Rainboot, is also on the CD-ROM in a much improved and extended Pro-version. Rainboot allows the user to show complete boot shows during the bootup. Rainboot supports nearly everything you can think of: Animations, sounds, copper rainbows, password protection, brushes, different fonts, modules, fades, CyberGraphX and Picasso96 support, progressbars, retrieving and displaying information about the used Amiga system, graphical effects, scrolling of pictures and much much more. In the Pro-version it`s now possible to use more than one animation, add user-controls to the configurations and much more. So it`s now also possible to create real multimedia applications with Rainboot. Rainboot is a unique program, which has neither been beaten in features and effectivity on Amiga nor on PC.

In order that everyone is able to create his own Rainboot configurations in an easy way, the Rainboot Configuration Creator, called RCC, is also contained in a full version on the CD-ROM. This program makes it possible with the help of a graphical user interface to offer a very easy way of creating own Rainboot configurations. The RCC supports the most Rainboot functions and allows also reediting of already created Rainboot configurations. Additionally it has a wide Online help, which can be accessed directly from the interface of RCC. For every Rainboot user the RCC is a must-have!

The 'The Best of Airsoft Softwair' CD-ROM is something for everyone. For serious users as well as for gamers. The CD-ROM is the result of many years of work on Amiga and should not miss any collection. Additionally the CD-ROM is very cheap. Registering each Shareware program apart would cost over 60 DM and the CD-ROM costs only 29.95 DM. And as there`s much more software than 'just'�the full versions on the CD-ROM, the price is nearly unbeatable.

The 'The Best of Airsoft Softwair' CD-ROM which will be released at the Home Electronics World show in Cologne contains special extended full versions of Rainboot and of the CD32 Games Install Kit. Here are some new details of both programs and what exactly has changed.

CD32 Games Install Kit v3.1 NG

- many new loaders have been rewritten completely and they`re much more stable now

- Install2001 was completely reprogrammed and supports now more different emulations

- the CD32 Games Install Kit has now an inbuild CD32 emulator which can boot CD32 games directly

- the main program has been completely rewritten and has also alot of visual changes

- every CD-ROM drive can be used with the Install Kit now

- the bonus programs were reworked and optimized

- and many other new functions

The CD32 Games Install Kit has changed majorly, because the most program parts have been rewritten completely. The Install Kit is now much more stable and optimized.

Rainboot Pro

- user controls can be added to Rainboot configurations now, that means that one can create real multimedia programs with Rainboot. You can catch mouseclicks and -moves in Rainboot configurations and execute several operations then

- Rainboot can now use more than one animbrush. You can use now as many animbrushes as your memory allows

- more than one Protracker module can be used

- more than one cycle can be defined and used

- and many other small new things

Rainboot Pro is fully compatible to older versions of Rainboot; you can use all Rainboot configurations with Rainboot Pro.

Demo of Best of Airsoft Softwair CD-ROM

Best of Airsoft Softwair announcement